November 5, 2019

[Strategy Spotlight] Confidently Share Your Ideas and Market Your Services to Make True Connection with Keasha Lee Ince

You always hear that content is key for your marketing strategy. That may be true, however, you want to use your words with confidence to share your ideas to be able to market your services and make a true connection with your audience. On this episode of the Fab Fempreneurs Podcast Show, Keasha Lee Ince of “Striking Statements” shares tips on how to clearly and boldly share your message in your business. She studied Public Relations and held a Public Relations position for a corporate company. While she thrived in that role, she found an interesting perspective of helping those people at the company get their story out. She knew she was good at her job but it wasn’t as dynamic as she wanted; she wanted to help people create their message. In her company “Striking Statements” Keasha helps evolutionary entrepreneurs who want to make a bigger impact and take themselves to the next level by using their words to create clarity and connection in their content. Keasha’s mission is to help entrepreneurs to convey what and who they stand for.

1. Know who you're talking to - get clear by eavesdropping, evaluating the attributes of former or current clients. Engage with them online and listen to similar podcasts. This will help you learn their preferences, what they like and dislike, and what other brands they support.

2. Tell Your Story.

Acceptance of your unique journey gives validation to your mission. People don't want perfect- they want real.

Three themes that people connect with the most:

Hero’s Journey
Empowered Vulnerability

3. How to Speak Directly to One Person
Pretend to speak to one person and draft out what you want to say and then read it out loud. Your message will be different for each person but if you can have them relate in some way to your message, you are building a connection.