April 3, 2018

[Book Breakdown] 3 Things Successful People Do by John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell Enlightens Us to be Successful through Knowledge, Growth, and Benefitting Others

In this episode of the Fab Fempreneur podcast, we delve into the book 3 Things Successful People Do: The Road Map That Will Change Your Life by John C. Maxwell. I discuss the 3 things that John has pointed out and bring to light how these best practices can be applied to both business and your personal life as they pertain to leadership.

In This Episode We Cover:

  1. Knowing Your Purpose: You have a choice to decide where you're going and what journey you are taking.
  2. Growing to your maximum potential: In order for you to grow you have to make a choice (not everyone is comfortable with growth).
  3. Sowing seeds that benefit others: As someone who is actively growing their business, you need to constantly consider the benefit others.